Maldives Prez Mohamed Muizzu to Attend PM Modi’s Swearing-In Ceremony

New Delhi: Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu has reportedly accepted an invitation to attend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony in New Delhi on Sunday.

Maldivian news portal reported the news quoting its sister publication in Dhivehi, Mihaaru News. But Maldives President’s Office has not given any statement regarding Muizzu’s first official visit to India.

On Wednesday, President Muizzu congratulated PM Modi and expressed his willingness to collaborate to enhance bilateral ties.

He posted on X, ” “Congratulations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP and BJP-led NDA, on the success in the 2024 Indian General Election, for the third consecutive term. I look forward to working together to advance our shared interests in pursuit of shared prosperity and stability for our two countries.”

In a reply to the post, Prime Minister Modi thanked Maldives President and said on X, “Thank you President @MMuizzu. Maldives is our valued partner and neighbour in the Indian Ocean Region. I too look forward to closer cooperation for further strengthening our bilateral ties.”

This would mark President Muizzu’s inaugural official visit to India since assuming office on November 17 last year. Muizzu, known for his pro-China stance, diverged from his predecessors’ protocol by choosing to visit Turkey first and subsequently China for his first state visit in January.

Relation between India and Maldives has soured after he took charge. He demanded removal of approximately 88 Indian military personnel from the Maldives.

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