Scientists Invent Edible Gel That Could Help Reduce Alcohol’s Harmful Effects

Researchers in Switzerland have developed a protein gel that shows promise in reducing the negative impacts of drinking alcohol. This gel works in the digestive system to break down alcohol before it enters the bloodstream, potentially offering a future solution for those who want to enjoy alcohol without the harmful consequences.

The typical way our bodies process alcohol involves the liver, but this process creates a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde. This new gel intercepts alcohol in the digestive tract and converts it into a harmless substance called acetic acid, bypassing the liver and avoiding the production of acetaldehyde.

Studies on mice given the gel alongside alcohol showed a significant decrease in the amount of alcohol in their bloodstream. The gel also helped reduce the buildup of acetaldehyde and improve markers of liver health. Mice receiving the gel for ten days even showed lower overall alcohol levels, less weight loss, and better overall health compared to those who didn’t get the gel.

While this research is exciting, further testing is needed before the gel can be used by humans. However, it offers a promising glimpse into a future where we might be able to enjoy alcohol with fewer negative consequences.

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