Madhya Pradesh Govt to Transform Places Linked to Lord Ram, Lord Krishna to Places of Pilgrimage

Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav announced that his government will develop the places associated with Lord Ram and Lord Krishna in the state as pilgrimage sites to boost religious tourism. He issued directives to this effect during a review meeting of the Culture and Tourism Department on Friday.

It has also been decided to erect welcome gates dedicated to these deities at the entry points of state capital Bhopal, said the CM.

The Madhya Pradesh government will identify the places associated with Lord Ram and Lord Krishna in the state and develop them as pilgrimage site.

Madhya Pradesh government also plans to set up entry gates dedicated to Raja Bhoj, an 11th century king from the Paramara dynasty, and Vikramaditya, a legendary king mentioned in Indian literature.

Yadav also proposed to build entry gates at the state boundaries so that people get to know about the culture and places of religious importance in Madhya Pradesh.

The department was also told to make an action plan to celebrate Gita Mahotsav on Manas Jayanti in the state.

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