Anak Krakatau Volcano Erupts in Indonesia, Spews Ash 1.5 Km High

Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau volcano erupted, throwing up ash to a height of around 1.5 km. The Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation of Indonesia confirmed this volcanic eruption.

“The column of ash was white to gray, with thick intensity, moving to the southeast,” said Mount Anak Krakatau Monitoring Post Officer Jumono.

The eruption occurred on Monday. This live volcano is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra.

Since April 2022, Mount Anak Krakatau has been in the third level of danger.

From June 6 to 11, this volcanic mountain had nine eruptions with volcanic ash thrown up to 3.5 km into the sky.

Humans have been barred from reaching within a 5 km radius of the crater.

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