Putin Gives Nuclear Warning To West In Case of “Massive” Air Attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a nuclear warning to the West in case a “massive” air attack occurs on Russia including the use of cruise missiles which the UK has supplied to Ukraine.

President Putin made this statement after having an urgent meeting with Moscow’s top security council to discuss Russia’s nuclear deterrence.

Russia’s nuclear threat follows Ukraine being allowed by Western powers – especially the UK and US – to use cruise missiles against Moscow.

Last week the UK reportedly approved the use of its ‘Storm Shadow’ cruise missile by Ukraine to bomb Russia. UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer met the US President Joe Biden and reportedly discussed Ukraine’s use of weapons on Russian soil.

President Putin said this month that, “The West would be directly fighting with Russia if it gave such permission to Ukraine (to bomb Russia)” adding that Moscow would be forced to make “appropriate decisions” in such a scenario.

Russia is the world’s largest nuclear power. Together, Russia and the United States control 88% of the world’s nuclear weapons.

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