10 Blackbucks from Nandankanan Released in Balukhand Wildlife Sanctuary Near Konark

Puri: In a bid to reintroduce blackbucks at the Balukhand Wildlife Sanctuary near Konark in the Puri district, the Odisha forest department on Wednesday released 10 of these rare deer from Nandankanan Zoo in Bhubaneswar in the sanctuary.

As per reports, six of these blackbucks are females.

Initially, the blackbucks from Nandankanan will be kept in quarantine for a month in an enclosure in the 30-hectare forest area. After one month, their health condition would be checked and if found healthy they would be released in the sanctuary. During the quarantine period, they would be continuously monitored by a special team.

If this pilot project is successful then more blackbucks will be released in the sanctuary to increase their population in the region.

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