Beach Shacks To Serve Liquor, Only Orchestras Without Dance at Bars: Odisha’s New Excise Policy

Bhubaneswar: The new BJP government has formulated a new excise policy for the 2024-25 financial year. This liquor policy will remain in force from September 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025, or till the introduction of a new policy.

As per its promise, the government has decided not to sanction any new off-shops during the current financial year. No new liquor on-shop (where there are designated areas to drink alcohol) will be permitted in villages, though those will allowed at 3-star and above category hotels. The licences of 57 on-shops which were not renewed earlier, will not be considered for renewal this year too.

As per the new excise policy, no dance performances shall be permitted within any on-shop premises; however, the on-shops may host musical performances or orchestras within their licenced establishments.

To promote tourism in Odisha, the government will allow serving of liquor at beach shacks and issue temporary licences for liquor sale to OTDC at the eco-retreat venues at promotional rate. The licence for location and the number of beach shacks, where liquor can be served, will be based on approval of the Tourism department.

It further stated that on-shop licence may be granted to OTDC/ ITDC hotels at half the rates applicable for licence fee, based on its location. However, no such concession will be given to OTDC/ITDC hotels leased to private individuals.

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