Chennai: The Tamil Nadu state president of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), K Armstrong (52), was hacked to death by a gang of six persons in front of his residence in Perambur area of north Chennai on Friday evening.
As many as eight suspects were arrested in connection with the murder on Saturday. The arrested persons are being interrogated to ascertain the motive behind the murder.
Armstrong, a lawyer by profession was the state president of the Tamil Nadu BSP for 17 long years. According to police, he was speaking with his supporters late in the evening when the armed assailants came on bikes to attack him. Two of the assailants were dressed up as food delivery agents. The assailants attacked Armstrong with machetes. The BSP leader was rushed to the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, where he succumbed to the injuries.
Chennai Police have formed 10 special teams to nab the assailants, who have fled the scene.
The BSP chief Mayawati condemned the killing and demanded teh Tamil Nadu government to take sytrict action against the culprits.
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