New Delhi: Congress MP Jairam Ramesh on Friday submitted a privilege complaint against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, challenging his statements regarding the recent landslides in Wayanad, Kerala. The complaint, filed in the Rajya Sabha, accuses Shah of misleading the House with false claims about early warnings issued to the Kerala government.
Shah had stated during a July 31 Rajya Sabha address that the central government had alerted Kerala about potential landslides on July 23, with follow-up warnings on July 24 and 25, and a final alert about heavy rainfall on July 26. Ramesh’s complaint argues that these claims are inaccurate and constitute a breach of privilege, as they misrepresent the actions and communications surrounding the disaster.
The devastating landslides in Wayanad have resulted in over 300 deaths and left more than 200 individuals injured. Rescue operations are ongoing but are severely hampered by damaged infrastructure, including roads and bridges, as well as a shortage of necessary equipment.
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