New Delhi: In the wake of the tragic deaths of three civil service aspirants at a coaching centre in Old Rajinder Nagar, Delhi, five individuals have been sent to 14-day judicial custody. The accused, including four co-owners of the property, were presented in Tis Hazari Court on Monday.
Delhi Police had previously issued a notice to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) requesting documents related to the drainage system in the area. The police also sought to identify the official responsible for maintaining the drainage and ensuring cleanliness, including whether these tasks were contracted out.
The incident, which occurred due to severe flooding in the basement of Rau’s IAS Study Centre, led to a total of seven arrests. Two individuals, the owner and coordinator of Rau’s IAS Study Circle, were arrested on Sunday and charged with culpable homicide and negligence. They were also sent to judicial custody.
Among the five arrested on Monday is an individual whose vehicle was seen driving past the coaching centre, causing a large wave of water to crash into the institute’s gate during heavy rains. This wave is alleged to have damaged the gate, contributing to the flooding.
Delhi Police have begun bulldozer operations to remove encroachments near the coaching centre. Deputy Commissioner of Police M Harshavardhan stated, “We are taking strict action against those responsible for the incident and maintaining law and order in the area. Whoever is at fault in this incident will not be spared.”
The police are actively investigating the matter to hold all responsible parties accountable.
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