The death toll from recent flash floods in Himachal Pradesh has climbed to 11, with two additional bodies recovered in Mandi district. The deceased, identified as 23-year-old Sonam and three-month-old Manvi, were found in Rajbhan village, Mandi. Rescue operations continue with over 40 individuals still unaccounted for after a series of cloudbursts impacted Kullu, Mandi, and Shimla districts on July 31.
The affected areas include Nirmand, Sainj, Malana in Kullu, Padhar in Mandi, and Rampur subdivision in Shimla. Rescue efforts involve 410 personnel from the Army, NDRF, SDRF, ITBP, CISF, Himachal Pradesh Police, and local home guards, utilizing sniffer dogs, drones, and advanced equipment.
In Samej village, Sarpara Panchayat in Rampur, over 30 people remain missing. According to C.L. Negi, Up-pradhan of Sarpara, increased machinery deployment has improved access to affected areas as water flow decreases.
The Himachal Pradesh government has announced immediate relief measures, including a one-time assistance of Rs 50,000 per victim and Rs 5,000 monthly for rent for three months. Essential supplies like gas and food are also being provided. The state’s total financial losses due to monsoon damage amount to Rs 662 crore as of August 3, with 79 deaths reported in rain-related incidents.
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts scattered to widespread heavy rainfall across Northwest India until August 10. Areas including Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and parts of Rajasthan are expected to experience thunderstorms and lightning. Farmers in these regions are advised to manage drainage to avoid waterlogging in crops.
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