Indore: In a stunning electoral development, Indore’s Lok Sabha seat in Madhya Pradesh has shattered records, with over 1.7 lakh voters choosing the ‘None of the Above’ (NOTA) option. This rise follows the Congress party’s unprecedented appeal to voters after their candidate, Akshay Kanti Bam, withdrew and joined the BJP.
The NOTA votes in Indore have far exceeded the previous record of 51,660 set in Bihar’s Gopalganj in 2019. Remarkably, NOTA has outperformed all 13 other candidates except BJP’s Shankar Lalwani, who leads with nearly 10 lakh votes.
This historic NOTA tally reflects the Congress’s strategy to “teach the BJP a lesson” in Indore, marking the party’s first absence from this constituency’s race in 72 years. Introduced in 2013 following a Supreme Court decision, NOTA allows voters to reject all candidates.
The incident highlights the growing significance of NOTA in Indian elections, particularly in situations where voters feel dissatisfied with their options. With 61.75% turnout among Indore’s 25.27 lakh electors, this event sets a new benchmark for NOTA’s impact.
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