Mohammad Mokhber To Be Interim President of Iran After Raisi’s Death

First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, 69, will assume the charge as the interim president of Iran after the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a helicopter crash on Sunday night.

According to the Iranian constitution, Mokhber with close ties to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei will become the interim president of the Islamic nation. He formerly headed the Setad, a powerful state-owned foundation.

Mokhaber holds advanced degrees in international law and management.

With the help of a council, Parliamentary Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, and Judiciary Chief Ghollamhossein Mohseni Ezhei, the interim president Mokhber is tasked with organising a new presidential election within 50 days.

This transition must be approved by Supreme Leader Khamenei.

Mokhaber took charge as the first vice president of Iran in 2021 following Raisi’s election. As the head of the Setad, Mokhber manages properties confiscated after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In 2010, the European Union included him in a sanctions list for his alleged involvement in nuclear and ballistic missile activities. He was removed from the list two years later.

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