Netanyahu Vows to Continue Military Action Against Hezbollah Until Goals Achieved

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced at the United Nations on Friday that Israel’s military operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon will continue until the country’s objectives are fully achieved. Despite calls for a 21-day ceasefire from France and the United States, Netanyahu reaffirmed Israel’s commitment to defending itself.

Addressing the UN General Assembly, Netanyahu stated that as long as Hezbollah continues its aggressive actions, Israel has “no choice” but to proceed with its military campaign. “Israel has every right to eliminate this threat and ensure the safety of its citizens,” he said, highlighting the nation’s resolve to dismantle Hezbollah’s capabilities.

Netanyahu’s speech dismissed hopes for a truce that had been suggested earlier in the week by France and the US to de-escalate the conflict. His firm stance indicates that Israel will not consider halting its military campaign until it secures its strategic objectives, although he did not specify the goals in his address.

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have surged, with reports suggesting that Hezbollah is planting its weaponry within civilian areas of southern Lebanon, leading to Israeli airstrikes. Netanyahu has defended these military actions as essential for protecting Israeli citizens. The conflict has caused widespread destruction in parts of Lebanon, with both sides suffering casualties.

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