Locals Demand Freedom as Violent Protests Erupt in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

Muzaffarabad (PoK): Unrest has gripped PoK as residents have taken to the streets to protest against rising inflation, heavy taxation, and power shortages. The demonstrations, which began as an economic grievance, have morphed into a wider movement demanding rights and freedom.

The protests have turned violent, with clashes erupting between demonstrators and security forces. News reports indicate one police officer was killed and 90 others injured in the latest confrontations. Authorities have responded with a harsh crackdown, arresting leaders of the protest movement – the Jammu and Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee – and employing tear gas and forceful tactics to disperse crowds.

Videos circulating online show protestors chanting slogans for “azadi” (freedom) and expressing their anger towards the Pakistani government. The grievances run deep, with residents feeling exploited and neglected. The Action Committee, spearheaded by local traders, is demanding an end to excessive taxation on electricity bills and a fairer distribution of hydropower generated in the region.

The ongoing situation in PoK has reignited the Kashmir issue. India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, recently said that PoK remains an integral part of India and blamed past governments for failing to secure its complete return after independence. He argued that India’s initial approach to the Kashmir issue on the international stage contributed to the current situation.

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