Pune: A Pune court on Friday remanded Vishal Agarwal, the father of the 17-year-old boy involved in a fatal car accident, and five other accused individuals in judicial custody until June 7. The prosecution had pressed for an extension of their police custody to facilitate further investigation.
The accident, which occurred on May 19, claimed the lives of two IT professionals who were on a motorcycle.
According to Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, efforts were made to distort the facts surrounding the case, suggesting that attempts were made to shift responsibility away from the minor and onto an adult driver.
In addition to Vishal Agarwal, the court also remanded the owner and employees of two liquor-serving establishments in judicial custody. Authorities believe that the minor had consumed alcohol at these establishments before getting behind the wheel of the Porsche, leading to the tragic accident.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra’s Transport Commissioner has confirmed that the teenager will be barred from obtaining a driver’s license until he turns 25. Additionally, it was revealed that the Porsche involved in the accident, a Taycan model, had a pending registration due to an unpaid fee of Rs 1,758.
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