New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday fined the Centre Rs 5 lakhs for failing to decide on the pension payable to retired regular captains under the One Rank One Pension (OROP) Scheme. The OROP scheme, launched by the Modi government in 2015, aims to standardize pension rates for past and current retirees of the armed forces.
A bench comprising Justices Sanjiv Khanna and R Mahadevan imposed the penalty on the Ministry of Defence. “For how many years will this go on? Either you pay an enhanced pension by 10 percent, or we impose a cost on you. We wanted a decision to be taken, but you have not taken it. This matter came up in 2021 but still no decision has been taken,” said the bench.
Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhatti, representing the Army, argued that a comprehensive decision was necessary, considering all six anomalies to avoid partial resolutions. However, the court maintained that the cost must be deposited within four weeks and granted the Centre until November 2024 to make the necessary decisions.
Justice Khanna expressed frustration, stating, “What is this? If the government is not taking a decision, I cannot do anything. This does not give solace to these officers. They are retired captains. They have no say. They have no access to you people. Either you start paying 10 percent more or pay the cost. The choice is yours.”
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