New Delhi: The Supreme Court of India has directed the National Testing Agency (NTA) to release the results of NEET-UG 2024 by Saturday, July 20. The results will be published on the NTA website in a city-wise and centre-wise format, with student identities masked to protect privacy.
This decision comes amidst a series of petitions filed over alleged irregularities in the NEET-UG exam, including a suspected paper leak in Patna and Hazaribag. The Court’s order aims to provide transparency while safeguarding student confidentiality.
During the hearing, petitioners’ lawyer, senior advocate Narendra Hooda, argued for the release of all student results to ensure transparency in the investigation of the alleged irregularities. The Solicitor General, however, expressed concerns about the privacy of student data.
Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud proposed a solution, suggesting the use of anonymized roll numbers for each exam centre. This approach would allow for the analysis of score patterns across centres without revealing individual student information.
The Court acknowledged the reported paper leak and the need to determine its extent. Releasing anonymized results will enable investigators to assess whether the leak was isolated or widespread. This information is crucial for ensuring a fair and equitable outcome for all NEET-UG 2024 test-takers.
The Supreme Court has scheduled the next hearing on the alleged irregularities for July 22.
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