Shah Rukh Khan has emerged as the highest taxpayer among Indian celebrities in 2024, according to a report by Fortune India. The Bollywood superstar paid Rs 92 crore in taxes, surpassing other prominent figures in the entertainment industry. Tamil actor Vijay secured the second spot, contributing Rs 80 crore, followed by Salman Khan, who paid Rs 75 crore.
Other notable celebrities in the list include Amitabh Bachchan (Rs 71 crore), Ajay Devgn (Rs 42 crore), Ranbir Kapoor (Rs 36 crore), Hrithik Roshan (Rs 28 crore) and Kapil Sharma (Rs 26 crore). Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor also featured, paying Rs 20 crore and Rs 14 crore, respectively.
In regional cinema, actors Mohan Lal and Allu Arjun each paid Rs 14 crore in advance taxes, while Kiara Advani paid Rs 12 crore. Katrina Kaif and Pankaj Tripathi both paid Rs 11 crore, and Aamir Khan contributed Rs 10 crore in FY24.
From the sports sector, cricketer Virat Kohli topped the list, paying Rs 66 crore in taxes. MS Dhoni followed with Rs 38 crore, while Sachin Tendulkar and Sourav Ganguly paid Rs 28 crore and Rs 23 crore, respectively.
Shah Rukh Khan, who recently featured in the Hurun India Rich List with an estimated net worth of Rs 7,300 crore, continues to be a top earner. His wealth is bolstered by ventures like Red Chillies Entertainment and Kolkata Knight Riders. Additionally, he made a strong comeback in the film industry with three successful releases last year.
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