Girl’s Teenage Boyfriend Killed by Her Father, Brother In Navi Mumbai

Mumbai: A girl’s 18-year-old boyfriend was allegedly killed by her brother and her father in Maharashtra’s Navi Mumbai. Police have detained the 24-year-old brother of the girl for interrogation.

The incident took place on Sunday afternoon. The accused’s sister called the victim from Devichapada in Panvel, to her house in the same area.

The accused later came home and found his sister and her boyfriend in the house. According to police sources, the accused then called his father and both of them allegedly killed the victim with a sickle and a spade.

After getting information about the incident, police rushed to the spot and sent the body for postmortem.

The police took the girl’s brother into custody and registered a case against him and her 45-year-father under Indian Penal Code sections 302 (murder) and 34 (common intention).

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