Thief Apologizes Through A Note After Robbing House In Tamil Nadu, Promises to Return Stolen Goods

Chennai: A thief left an apology note promising to return the stolen items in a month after he robbed the residence of a retired teacher in Tamil Nadu’s Megnanapuram.

The theft occurred when Selvin and his wife, both retired teachers, left their home to meet their son in Chennai on June 17.

Their domestic help visited the house on June 26 and found that the house had been robbed. Getting information from her, Selvin rushed back and found that he had been robbed of Rs 60,000, 12 gm gold jewellery and a pair of silver anklets.

Investigating police officials found an apology letter purportedly written by the thief inside the house. In the letter, the burglar had apologised for his act and promised to return the stolen items in a month.

“Forgive me. I will return this in a month. I am doing this as someone in my house is not well,” the letter stated.

Megnanapuram police have registered a case and have started an investigation.

In a similar incident in 2023, a thief stole a gold necklace from a three-year-old child near Palakkad. The thief however returned the money earned from selling the necklace along with an apology letter.

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