Woman Beats Ex-Lover to Death As He Opposed Her Affair With Another Man

Agra: A man identified as Brajveer Singh (40) was beaten to death by his 38-year-old ex-girlfriend who hit him with a baseball bat and also smashed a beer bottle on his head. The woman attacked the victim as he allegedly disapproved of her affair with another man.

The victim’s body was found in the Malpura area of Agra on Saturday with severe injury marks.

The accused Kavita Chahar was arrested by the police. She allegedly lured Brajveer and killed him with the help of her new boyfriend and his friends. The police have arrested the four accomplices of Chahar.

Kavita, a married woman, was in a live-in relationship with Brajveer for 10 years from 2007, a person who lived near her in-laws’ home. Later, she moved to Agra and started a live-in relationship with Surendra Chahar, which angered Brajveer.

In 2019, Brajveer set fire to Surendra’s clothing store, leading to his imprisonment based on Kavita’s testimony.

After his release from jail, Brajveer allegedly forbid Kavita from living-in with her current boyfriend Surendra.

So, she planned to murder Brajveer. She called the victim to meet her on June 15. As soon as he arrived, Chahar and his friends Atul, Rohit, Sonu and Kavita smashed Brajveer’s head with a baseball bat. She also smashed a beer bottle on his head. After killing him, they dumped the body near a canal.

The police registered a case against Kavita and her accomplices under IPC sections 302 and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention).

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