New Delhi: Aamir Khan celebrated his mother’s birthday with his ex-wife and filmmaker Kiran Rao, daughter Ira, and sisters Nikhat and Farhat Khan. Pratibha shared pictures from the festivities on her Instagram profile on Wednesday and she captioned them, “So this evening looked like this at Aamir Khan’s place! Celebrated 89th birthday of Aamir ji’s mother. The kind of love, warmth and blessings we received is unmatched. Thank you so much Shankar Mahadevan Sir for this recommendation. Forever grateful.”
See the pictures from the celebrations here:
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Aamir Khan, who was married to filmmaker Kiran Rao for 15 years, announced divorce in July 2021. They continue to co-parent son Azad and they are frequently pictured together. Ira is the younger of Aamir Khan’s two children with his ex-wife Reena Dutta.
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