Although declared a national heritage by Pakistan, Bollywood’s legendary late actor Dilip Kumar’s ancestral home in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province is on the verge of collapse after rains damaged it severely.
The pathetic state of the house of the Bollywood legend proved that tall claims of Pakistan’s administration about the rehabilitation and renovation of the house are nothing but word of mouth.
In this house in Pakistan, Dilip Kumar was born in 1922. This house is located in Mohallah Khudadad at the rear side of historic Qissa Khwani Bazar in Peshawar.
Before migrating to India in 1932, Dilip Kumar’s family lived in this house. The actor spent his initial 12 years in this house.
On July 13, 2014, then-Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif declared this house as a national heritage monument.
This house was built in 1880. It is alleged that despite pledging so many grants by the previous KPK government, not a single penny has been spent on its renovation and preservation.
Pakistani socio-political activists have expressed grave concern over the attitude of the archive department to prevent the national asset from collapsing.
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