Mumbai: Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit has donned the new role as a producer for the upcoming Marathi film, ‘Panchak’ which will hit cinemas on January 5.
Before the release of the movie, Madhuri Dixit, along with her husband Dr. Shriram Nene and their sons Arin-Ryan sought blessings at Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai.
This Marathi film has top actors of the Marathi cine world. ‘Panchak’ tells the story of Adinath Kothare, set against the picturesque backdrop of Konkan. It is a dark comedy, delving into the themes of superstition and the fear of death.
Madhuri Dixit and Dr. Shriram Nene shared their thoughts on the film, saying superstitions have the potential to overwhelm individuals. This can lead them into irrational fear and place them in peculiar situations.
आता कोणाचा नंबर, म्हटल्यावर सगळे पळून का जातात ?
त्यासाठी पंचक थिएटर्स मध्ये पहावाच लागेल..!When I say Who's Next people just disappear!
To find out why, let's meet in the theaters!!#7DaysToGo #PanchakOn5Jan @DoctorNene @MovingRnm— Madhuri Dixit Nene (@MadhuriDixit) December 29, 2023
The duo emphasized their dedicated efforts to assemble an outstanding cast and crew to provide audiences with a much-needed dose of humour.
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