Contaminated Drinking Water Makes 93 Ill In Maharashtra Village

Mumbai: After consuming contaminated drinking water from a well, at least 93 people suffered from stomach infections at Mugaon Tanda village in Maharashtra’s Nanded district.

The village has 107 houses with a population of 440. On June 26-27, at least 93 persons reached a local health centre with complaints of abdominal pain and loose motions. While 56 patients were treated in the Mugaon Tanda village, 37 others were referred to a primary health centre in neighbouring Manjaram village.

A team of doctors was deputed to the Mugaon Tanda village. Investigation has revealed that the possible source of infection was a well from where water is supplied to the villagers.

Authorities have sealed the well and water from a nearby filter plant is being supplied to the villagers.

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