AI-Powered Virtual Candidate Finishes Last In UK Polls, Gets Only 179 Votes

AI Steve was the Artificial intelligence (AI) powered virtual candidate in the 2024 UK general election. This virtual candidate was the brainchild of businessman Steve Endacott. The AI powered virtual candidate contested the Brighton Pavilion constituency.

But AI Steve did not get support of voters as it secured only 179 votes which was 0.3% of the total votes polled in the constituency.

Endacott fielded AI Steve as an alternative to the country’s “standard politics”.  The AI candidate was powered by Neural Voice company with the promise to provide round-the-clock access to constituents.

AI Steve was designed to engage with voters in real time on various issues and offer policy ideas. It could handle up to 10,000 conversations simultaneously.

Earlier, the UK election watchdog issued a clarification that if AI Steve won the seat, the human candidate, Steve Endacott, and not the AI entity, would take office as a member of Parliament.

Although AI Steve made history as the first such candidate in UK polls, it could not match the popularity of human candidates. Green Party’s Sian Berry  won from the Brighton Pavilion constituency

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