China’s Birth Rate at All Time Low, Fell by 10% Last Year

All efforts by the Chinese government to motivate its citizens to have babies are not showing any results. The number of births in China fell by 10% last year. China’s birth rate tumbled to hit the lowest level on record.

China had just 9.56 million births in 2022, according to a report published by the National Health Commission. It is China’s lowest birth rate since 1949.

Young couples in China do not wish to have babies due to the high costs of childcare and education, growing unemployment as well as gender discrimination.

Last year, China’s population also fell for the first time in six decades, dropping to 1.41 billion people.

This has become a worry for the communist country as China will get old before it gets rich, slowing the economy as revenues drop and government debt increases due to soaring health and welfare costs.

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