New Delhi: Former President Ram Nath Kovind led the High-Level Committee (HLC) on simultaneous elections, submitted its report to President Droupadi Murmu on Thursday. The 18,626-page Report has made some key recommendations.
*In its report, the HLC has recommended a two-step approach to lead to simultaneous elections.
*In the first step, simultaneous elections will be held for the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies, stated the Committee’s report submitted to the President.
*In the second step, the Committee recommended that elections to the Municipalities and the Panchayats to be synchronised with the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies in such a way that Municipalities and Panchayats elections are held within 100 days of holding elections to the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies.
*The Committee recommended for a single electoral roll and Electoral Photo Identity Cards (EPIC) for use in elections to all three tiers of Government.
*In case of a hung assembly and no-confidence motion, the Committee recommended holding fresh elections for the remainder of the five-year term.
*To be able to hold first simultaneous polls, the Committee has suggested that the tenure of all the state assemblies can be for the period ending up to the next general elections.
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