Most mysterious and wonderful lakes of the world, whose secrets are unknown till date

There is more than one secret hidden in the whole world. About which no one has known till date. Today we are going to tell you about some such mysteries which are related to lakes. So, let’s first talk about Canada’s Spotted Lake. Which is such a lake that anyone will be surprised to see.

Spotted Lake, Canada

Spotted Lake in Canada is a saltwater lake in which various types of mineral salts are found. The lake also contains sulfate, silver, and titanium. When the water of this lake dries up in the summer season, the wonderful view of this lake is seen. Local people call this lake Kaliluk. The people living here are also afraid of this particular lake because during the First World War water of this lake was used to make explosives.

Cano Crystal River, Colombia

In Colombia, there is a river called Cano Cristales. One can be surprised by seeing the color of its water, as the color of the water of this river is green, red, saffron, and blue. Let us tell you that the reason behind seeing the different colors of water in this river is the plant of Macarenia clavigera in the water here. This plant turns the water of the river rainbow in color during September to November months of the year.

Boiling Lake, Dominica

Now let’s talk about Moran Trois Pitons National Park located in the Caribbean country of Dominica. Actually, there is a lake in this park whose water is always boiling. The boiling water of this lake is due to the smoky lava beneath it. In such a situation, swimming in the boiling water of the lake is like dying. That’s why people are afraid to even go around this lake because if someone accidentally falls into it, it is impossible to save his life.

Pitch Lake, Trinidad

The color of this lake is black. Let us tell you that this lake has the largest natural reserves of tar and asphalt in the world. It is said that there are up to 10 million tonnes of asphalt in this lake. The depth of this lake spread over 100 acres is up to two hundred and fifty feet.

Kalimutu Crater Lake, Indonesia

There are three lakes above Kalimutu Volcano in Indonesia, which are known as Kalimutu Crater Lake. The most important thing about these lakes is that these three lakes are of different colors, not only this, but the color of these lakes also changes with time. Their water turns from blue to green, black, red, and brown. Apart from the colors, another characteristic of these lakes is that the temperature and chemical properties of these lakes are different.

Champagne Pool, New Zealand

Known as the Champagne Pool, this lake is located in New Zealand. Actually, bubbles of carbon dioxide keep coming out like champagne in the water of this lake. The water temperature of this lake, discovered about 900 years ago, is about 74 degrees Celsius. Its water is said to contain sulfides of arsenic and antimony.

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