Farmer’s Rolex Watch Swallowed by Cow Found Half a Century Later

In a remarkable turn of events, a 95-year-old British farmer, James Steele, has been reunited with his treasured Rolex watch, believed to have been lost to a cow half a century ago. The watch was found on Steele’s land in Morda, Oswestry, by a metal detectorist.

Steele recalled losing the watch in the early 1970s, realizing its bracelet had broken. He speculated, with a vet’s confirmation, that a cow might have swallowed it with a mouthful of grass. The recent discovery, described by Steele as a “stroke of luck,” left him amazed.

“I never thought I would see the watch again,” Steele said. Despite the watch’s face turning greenish, it hasn’t rusted. However, only half of the bracelet remains, as the other half has disintegrated over time.

Steele praised the honesty of the metal detectorist who returned the watch, noting they could have easily kept it. Encouraged by the find, Steele suggested more treasures might be uncovered on his land.

While the watch now serves as a keepsake, Steele mentioned it would be too costly to restore it to working condition.

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