Haridwar: The BJP on Wednesday suspended its leader Aditya Raj Saini from the party and the Uttarakhand government removed him from the OBC commission chairman’s post. These actions were taken a day after Haridwar police registered a Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act case against him and his associate Amit Saini, reported The Telegraph.
On Tuesday, the mother of a 13-year-old deceased girl complained before the police that her daughter was taken away from their house in Bahadarabad of Haridwar district on June 23 by Amit, who the family knew.
The body of the girl was found along the Haridwar-New Delhi Highway the next day.
On Wednesday, she told reporters that while searching for her daughter, she met Aditya Raj Saini because she knew Amit used to live with him as they are relatives. Aditya Raj allegedly threatened her against going to the police.
She claimed that she heard from common acquaintances that Amit had taken her daughter to Aditya Raj’s house.
Following the incident, there was tension in the area. The police have filed a case based on the complaint and are waiting for the post-mortem report.
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