Meerut: Kaushal Sweets of Meerut prepares the massive Bahubali Samosa priced at Rs 1500. Anyone able to eat this huge samosa weighing 12 Kg in 30 minutes is eligible to win Rs 71,000 as a prize. According to Shubham Kaushal, the third-generation owner of this eatery, it is an effort to popularize samosa.
Most people prefer to order a Bahubali samosa and share it with friends and relatives. Some prefer to cut it in place of a birthday cake.
The giant Bahubali Samosa is prepared through the six-hour-long efforts of the chefs at the Kaushal Sweets. It is fried for over 90 minutes. This samosa contains over 7 kg of stuffing.
One has to order in advance to get the Bahubali samosa prepared. This eatery also prepares large samosas weighing four kilograms and eight kilograms.
Till now around 50 Bahubali Samosas have been sold.
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