Bengaluru: In a significant move to mark their 100th day in office, the Congress-led Karnataka government is set to launch the Gruha Lakshmi social welfare scheme for women in Mysuru. The scheme will provide a monthly allowance of Rs 2,000 to women who are heads of their households.
The scheme is aligned with the party’s election promises, and the government has already fulfilled three out of the five pre-poll commitments. These include the Shakti, Gruha Jyothi, and Anna Bhagya schemes.
Eligibility for the Gruha Lakshmi scheme is extended to women listed as family heads on Antyodaya, Below Poverty Line (BPL), and Above Poverty Line (APL) ration cards. Importantly, the benefit is limited to one woman per family.
To streamline the registration process, the government has introduced a WhatsApp chatbot service (8147500500). Over seven lakh applications have already been received through this innovative channel.
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