Jaipur: The family of a 38-year-old man allegedly purchased a seven-year-old girl for Rs 4.50 lakh for his marriage in Mania area of Rajasthan’s Dholpur district.
The groom named Bhupal Singh (38) allegedly married the girl on May 21. During the police investigation, it was revealed that the suspect’s family members had served time in jail in a murder case in Madhya Pradesh.
On Tuesday, local police received information about the girl being bought and married off to the middle-aged man. A police team raided the house of Bhupal Singh and rescued the girl.
Singh’s family members confessed to purchasing the girl for marriage after paying Rs 4.50 lakh to her father.
A case has been registered and an investigation is on to nab the conspirators and instigators behind this child marriage.
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