Bangladeshi Oppn Leader Terms ‘Hindu religious scriptures porn text’

Continuing his attack on minority Hindus in Bangladesh, joint convenor of Bangladesh Gono Odhikar Parishad, Tarique Rahman, said Hindu scriptures do not offer any moral teaching and are porn texts.

Rahman is a key aide of opposition leader Nurul Haque Nur, who is trying to overthrow the present Sheikh Hasina-led government in Bangladesh.

“Scriptures of the Hindu religion do not offer any moral teaching — all the religious scriptures are porn scripts,” said Tarique Rahman, joint convener of Bangladesh Gono Odhikar Parishad and a top aide to Nurul Haque Nur in a Facebook live telecast.

This video has been shared on Facebook by netizens. It is being compared with a similar call for “wiping out” Hindus by Jamaat leaders in 1971.

Gono Odhikar Parishad is an organization of Muslim hardliner youths. It has the support of the militant outfit Jamaat-E-Islami and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. As national elections in Bangladesh are to be held in near future, this organization is trying to consolidate its support through Hindu bashing.

Nurul Haque Nur’s associates are against Hindus, India, and the secular stance of Sheikh Hasina.

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