Ganjam: Odisha vigilance on Friday caught a Block Veterinary Officer (BVO) while accepting Rs 9,000 bribe. The accused has been identified as Rabinarayan Sahu.
According to reports, Sahu demanded Rs.9,000 from the complainant for processing the file for the continuation of engagement of his vehicle as MVU (Mobile Veterinary Unit) under CDVO, Chatrapur for 2023-24, abiding by the terms and conditions of the previous contract.
Following this, the officials laid a trap and caught Sahu red-handed while accepting bribes. The entire bribe money has been recovered from Sahu and seized.
Following the trap, simultaneous searches are going on at three locations of Sahu from the Disproportionate Assets angle.
A case has been registered and an investigation is in progress against the accused in this connection.
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