Puri: Ahead of the much anticipated Rathyatra, Puri police busted a racket of fake ‘Mahaprasad’ or ‘Abhada'(the holy culinary offering to Sri Jagannath) on Friday.
On Saturday, the Suara Mahasuara Nijog, the servitors involved in the cooking of the offerings for the deities, registered a complaint regarding the sell of fake ‘Abhada’ with Singhadwara police. They demanded strict action against all those involved in maligning the faith devotees towards Lord Jagannath.
On Friday, a police raid unearthed fake ‘Mahaprasad’ being cooked under a tent in an open field in Paika Sahi area of Puri. Many kuduas (earthern pots) filled with Anna, Dali, Dalma served as ‘Abhada’ was seized from the spot.
But the miscreants involved in the racket managed to escape.
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