Intel Co-Founder Gordon E Moore No More; Breathes Last at 94

Gordon E Moore, the co-founder of Intel Corporation died on Saturday at his home in Hawaii; reported New York Times. Moore’s foresight concerning the exponential growth of computer chip technology in the 1960s set the stage for the high-tech era that we experience today.

Moore and his longtime colleague Robert Noyce founded Intel in July 1968.

Moore always called himself an ‘accidental entrepreneur’ as he always wanted to be a teacher but could not become one. He became a billionaire because of the microchip industry, which helped make electronics one of the largest industries in the world.

Moore is lauded for making laptop computers accessible to all and for using microprocessors inside of every electronic item meant for day-to-day use. Moore, along with his wife Betty Moore contributed immensely to philanthropy. They founded the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in 2001 and donated 175 million Intel shares.

By the 1990s, Intel had microprocessors in 80 per cent of the computers produced globally, making it the most prosperous semiconductor business in history.

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