Paperless RTI Application Filing in SC Soon

New Delhi: An online portal for filing of Right To Information (RTI) applications to enable citizens to access information about the Supreme Court will be launched soon. It would be totally paperless. As per a report in India Today, its testing version is available on the official website of the SC.

The testing version has been made open to the public so that all possible faults in it can be eradicated before the official launch

At present, RTI applications have to be physically filed in the apex court of the country. The RTI portal of the SC will be completely paperless. Information pertaining to requests will be provided online.

A user will be able to make payment for the information sought if it is chargeable through various online payment modes.

Yet if someone wants to file a physical RTI, he/she can do so with the registry. The physical application will be scanned and uploaded to the portal.

The new Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, had earlier spoken about the need of an online portal to streamline responses of the Supreme Court under the Right to Information Act.

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