God is said to be the ultimate truth and power. He is the one who is the creator and responsible for every single thing that happens in life. Spirituality is something that is not limited. It has various concepts. And the main concept of spirituality is to create awareness and make human life simple. Everyone must have listened to the sloka “Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma, Purushothama Paramatma, Sri Bhagavathi Sametha, Sri Bhagavathe Namaha”. Here the word Satcitananda is mentioned.
The word “Satcitananda” word is a combination of three words, Sat, Chit and Ananda. So let’s understand the concept behind the verse and why God is known as Satcitananda.
As said earlier, Satcitananda is a combination of three words, the first word is “Sat”. Sat means existence, or the ultimate truth which can never be changed. Many people doubt the existence of God. They say god doesn’t exist as they can not see him. But the actual fact is god is a positive energy irrespective of any shape, size or structure that protects everyone from negativity. Hence, from the word sat, it is confirmed that God exists and it is the ultimate truth.
The second word is “Chit”. Chit means consciousness or awareness. Most people are unaware of the power of God. God is the one who makes us aware of the power or the skills we have. During Mahabharat, there was a time when Arjun lost all his hopes and thought of giving up the fight. But Shree Krishna was the one who made him realize of his power and his skills. God is the one who makes us aware of reality.
The meaning of “Ananda” is known by all. It’s bliss. In the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, ananda signifies eternal bliss which accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle. Those who renounce the fruits of their actions and submit themselves completely to the divine will arrive at the final termination of the cyclical life process to enjoy eternal bliss in perfect union with the Godhead.
Hence, God is the ultimate truth, who makes us aware of what life is and walking on the path he guides us will give us permanent happiness.
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