Odisha CM Majhi Engages with Citizens as Public Grievance Hearings Resume After Years

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi has breathed new life into the long-dormant CM’s Grievance Cell, drawing citizens from all corners of Odisha to the state capital.

On Monday, CM Majhi, accompanied by Deputy Chief Minister K V Singh Deo and other cabinet members, personally attended to public grievances at the Unit-V facility.

The revival of this direct interaction platform marks a significant shift from the previous administration’s approach. Former CM Naveen Patnaik had largely discontinued the practice, leaving many Odisha residents feeling unheard.

CM Majhi plans to make grievance hearings a regular practice, signalling a commitment to ongoing public engagement.

In a broader move, the state government has ordered the resumption of Monday grievance hearings across all departments and districts. This directive extends to local bodies, with the Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) and Bhubaneswar Municipal Commission (BMC) also restarting their grievance sessions.

These weekly hearings are scheduled for Mondays from 11 am to 1:30 pm, excluding government holidays.

The move has been well-received by the public, who welcome the opportunity to directly address their concerns to the state’s top leadership.

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