Headmaster Passes Away Moments After Hoisting National Flag at School in Puri

Puri: In a heartbreaking incident, Prafulla Chandra Sahu, the headmaster of Maleswari Project Primary School in Puri district, collapsed and passed away shortly after hoisting the national flag. The incident unfolded on Tuesday morning, as students and teachers gathered at the school’s flag post for the ceremony.

Sahu hoisted the national flag during the event. However, moments after the flag was raised, he suddenly collapsed to the ground. He was immediately rushed to a nearby nursing home. He was subsequently moved to Krushnaprasad Community Health Centre (CHC) due to his worsening condition. Despite receiving medical attention, he couldn’t be revived and breathed his last at the CHC.

The news of Sahu’s passing cast a pall of gloom over the village and the school community. Sudarshan Sethy, the president of Krushnaprasad Teachers’ Association, recounted the sequence of events, highlighting that Sahu collapsed while returning to his office after the flag-hoisting ceremony.

While the exact cause of his untimely demise is yet to be determined, preliminary suspicions point towards a possible cardiac arrest.

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