Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government has confirmed that there is no deadline for the Subhadra Yojana registration process, following a surge in applications. On Wednesday, large crowds gathered at post offices, Jana Seva Kendras and other centres to update Aadhaar information and submit their application forms.
Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida announced that the registration period for the Subhadra Yojana remains open-ended, alleviating concerns about deadlines.
To further assist applicants, a dedicated call centre has been inaugurated, which has already handled approximately 1.50 lakh queries. The centre, staffed by 180 personnel working in shifts, will continue to operate until all eligible beneficiaries are enrolled. An increase in staff is planned by September 17 to manage the high volume of calls.
Parida clarified that while Aadhaar numbers are required for the application, there is no need to submit physical copies of the Aadhaar card. Applicants can expect financial support regardless of when they complete their registration, even beyond the September 17 date.
Regarding online applications, Common Service Centre (CSC) head Dilip Dash clarified that online applications are not yet available. The portal for registration is going to open today. Registration forms can be obtained from Anganwadi workers and Jana Seva Kendras.
Aadhaar authentication will be conducted using various methods, including iris, fingerprint, OTP and face recognition, so there is no need for unnecessary visits to Aadhaar centres.
With no deadline for the Subhadra Yojana, the government has urged people to avoid overcrowding registration centres and utilise the available resources efficiently.
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