Odisha: Heat-Related Deaths Reach 41, Heatwave Warning in Effect

Bhubaneswar: Odisha is reeling under an intense heat wave, with sunstroke-related deaths mounting to a staggering 41, as per the latest update from the Public Health Director, Nilakantha Mishra, on Monday.

“Out of 151 suspected sunstroke deaths reported, 41 have been confirmed due to heatstroke,” informed Mishra. He elaborated that investigations are ongoing for 73 cases, while 26 deaths were attributed to unrelated causes.

Mishra expressed concern over 10 families refusing postmortem examinations. He added that 16 new patients with heatstroke symptoms were hospitalised on Sunday.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a yellow heatwave warning until June 14th. Coastal districts can also expect hot and humid conditions during this period.

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