Android 15 Promises Significant Standby Battery Life Improvements With Faster Doze Mode

At the Google I/O 2024 developer sessions, significant details about Android 15 were unveiled, with a focus on enhancing device battery life, especially standby performance.

Google disclosed adjustments to the Doze mode in the Android system, aimed at preventing background apps from running unnecessarily when devices are idle. This refinement is expected to extend standby battery life by up to three hours for Android devices.

Originally introduced with Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Doze mode regulates background processes during device inactivity, managing app access and duration of background operation. With Android 15, experts noted a 50% acceleration in Doze mode, allowing devices to enter this power-saving state much quicker. This enhancement is projected to provide an additional three hours of standby battery life.

Beyond battery improvements, Android 15 introduces various user-centric features. The Beta 2 release unveiled a new Private Space, offering a secure environment for sensitive apps. These apps are hidden from the Home Screen and app drawer, accessible via a separate Google account, and protected by passwords or PINs.

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