Pet Pussy Thwarts Theft Attempt at Mumbai Filmmaker’s 6th Floor Flat

Mumbai: A daring theft attempt by a thief who climbed six floors using a pipe to enter the sixth-floor flat of film director Swapna Joshi in the Andheri area of Mumbai was thwarted by her pet cat.

The pet cat raised the alarm and the thief had to escape out in a hurry.

The incident took place at around 3:30 am on Sunday. The thief entered the director’s flat and searched for expensive goods, while the members of the family were asleep in different rooms of the apartment.

The cat kept as pet by the director noticed the thief and started meowing loudly. Her loud mewing woke up the director’s daughter and son-in-law and started shouting “Thief! Thief!”

The commotion forced the burglar to escape from the house. But he managed to steal Rs 6000 before escaping. He could not take any other valuable from the house because of the alert cat.

The whole incident was caught on CCTV cameras fixed in the apartment. It was reported to the Amboli Police Station, and an investigation is underway.

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