2 Youths Circulate Video Clip of Rape They Committed, Both Arrested

Keonjhar: Two youths involved in the rape of a 30-year-old woman and circulation of the video recorded during the act on social media were arrested in Keonjhar district on Tuesday.

The arrested persons were Maheshwar Juang and the Budhuram Juang of Keonjhar town. Budhuram was the brother-in-law of the victim.

As per reports, the woman was allegedly raped by Maheswar while Budhuram recorded the entire act on his mobile phone. Maheshwar was blackmailing the woman and threatened to circulate the rape video if she did not agree to continue physical relationship with him.

When the woman did not comply, both accused circulated the video clip on social media.

The woman informed about it to her husband and he filed a complaint with the police. Police nabbed both accused.

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