25 Israeli Hostages Released By Hamas As 4-day Truce Begins: Reports

Gaza: The International Committee for the Red Cross has taken custody of the initial group of Israeli hostages, currently en route out of Gaza through the Rafah crossing, as confirmed by an Israeli official.

This release marks the first phase of a four-part plan. Under the truce with Israel, Hamas has committed to releasing around 50 hostages over the next four days, specifically children, mothers, and other women. Both parties have agreed that, in exchange for extending the ceasefire, Hamas may consider releasing additional hostages.

The freed hostages constitute a fraction of the approximately 240 individuals held by Gaza-based terrorists. In reciprocation, Israel plans to release 150 Palestinian prisoners convicted of terror offences, focusing on women and minors. Today, 39 of them will be freed, corresponding to the return of the initial 13 Israelis.

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