Miscreants Attack PIpili Toll Plaza, Fire in Air, Three Arrested

Bhubaneswar: A group of miscreants attacked the staff of Pipili Toll Plaza on Bhubnaeswar-Puri road and fired two rounds in the air in the wee hours of Thursday. Three of these miscreants were nabbed by police from Nimapara.

According to sources, six persons travelling to Puri in a car had had a quarrel with the Pipili Toll Plaza staff allegedly over toll tax. The situation turned ugly and the miscreants thrashed the toll plaza staff. Before escaping from the spot, they also fired two rounds in the air threatening the people present at the spot.

One of the toll plaza staff was injured in the attack.

Receiving information, police reached the spot. Police teams of Puri, Nimapara, Gop and Pipili police stations started a manhunt to nab the culprits.

Police with the support of locals apprehended three miscreants while they were trying to flee leaving their vehicle behind at Dagara Sahi near Arishandha in Nimapra.

The search is on to nab the other persons involved in the toll plaza attack.

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